timeAgo method

String timeAgo({
  1. DateTime? clock,
  2. bool? enableFromNow,
  3. bool useShortForm = false,

Helps in converting the DateTime to readable Time Ago format of String.


String timeAgo(
    {DateTime? clock, bool? enableFromNow, bool useShortForm = false}) {
  final mIsFromNowEnabled = enableFromNow ?? false;
  final mLanguage = English(shortForm: useShortForm);
  final mClock = clock ?? DateTime.now();
  var deltaTime = mClock.millisecondsSinceEpoch - millisecondsSinceEpoch;

  String pfx, sfx;

  if (mIsFromNowEnabled && deltaTime < 0) {
    deltaTime = isBefore(mClock) ? deltaTime : deltaTime.abs();
    pfx = mLanguage.prefixFromNow();
    sfx = mLanguage.suffixFromNow();
  } else {
    pfx = mLanguage.prefixAgo();
    sfx = mLanguage.suffixAgo();

  final num seconds = deltaTime / 1000;
  final num minutes = seconds / 60;
  final num hours = minutes / 60;
  final num days = hours / 24;
  final num months = days / 30;
  final num years = days / 365;

  String res;
  if (seconds < 45) {
    res = mLanguage.lessThanOneMinute(seconds.round());
  } else if (seconds < 90) {
    res = mLanguage.aboutAMinute(minutes.round());
  } else if (minutes < 45) {
    res = mLanguage.minutes(minutes.round());
  } else if (minutes < 90) {
    res = mLanguage.aboutAnHour(minutes.round());
  } else if (hours < 24) {
    res = mLanguage.hours(hours.round());
  } else if (hours < 48) {
    res = mLanguage.aDay(hours.round());
  } else if (days < 30) {
    res = mLanguage.days(days.round());
  } else if (days < 60) {
    res = mLanguage.aboutAMonth(days.round());
  } else if (days < 365) {
    res = mLanguage.months(months.round());
  } else if (years < 2) {
    res = mLanguage.aboutAYear(months.round());
  } else {
    res = mLanguage.years(years.round());
  return [pfx, res, sfx]
      .where((s) => s.isNotEmpty)