ContextExtensions extension

Extensions for general basic Context



accentColor Color
The foreground color for widgets (knobs, text, overscroll edge effect, etc).
no setter
backgroundColor Color
A color that contrasts with the primaryColor.
no setter
brightness Brightness
The default brightness of the Theme.
no setter
canvasColor Color
The default color of MaterialType.canvas Material.
no setter
captionStyle TextStyle?
Extension for getting textTheme
no setter
cardColor Color
The default color of MaterialType.card Material.
no setter
form FormState?
Returns The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context. It is used for validating forms
no setter
isLandscape bool
Returns if Orientation is landscape
no setter
isMobile bool
Check if the window size is of Mobile Type as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
isMobileTypeHandset bool
Returns if it's a handset as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
isMobileTypeTablet bool
Returns if it's a tablet as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
locale Locale?
Returns The current Locale of the app as specified in the Localizations widget.
no setter
mdColumns int
Screen Sizes Extensions for responsive UI Returns Material no. of Columns as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
mdDeviceSize MobileDeviceSize
Returns device size as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
mdDeviceType MobileDeviceType
Returns device Type as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
mdGutter double
Returns Material no. of Gutters as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
mdWindowSize VxWindowSize
Returns the current window size as per Material Design Guidlines.
no setter
mq MediaQueryData
To get a MediaQuery directly.
no setter
Extension for getting NavigatorState. Use navigator now.
no setter
Extension for navigation to next page Returns The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
no setter
orientation Orientation
Returns Orientation using MediaQuery
no setter
overlay OverlayState?
Returns The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
no setter
percentHeight double
Get MediaQuery Screen height in percentage
no setter
percentWidth double
Get MediaQuery Screen Width in percentage
no setter
primaryColor Color
The background color for major parts of the app (toolbars, tab bars, etc).
no setter
safePercentHeight double
Get MediaQuery Screen Height in percentage including safe area calculation.
no setter
safePercentWidth double
Get MediaQuery Screen Width in percentage including safe area calculation.
no setter
scaffold ScaffoldState
Returns the closest instance of ScaffoldState in the widget tree, which can be use to get information about that scaffold.
no setter
screenDensity double
Get MediaQuery Screen Density
no setter
screenHeight double
Get MediaQuery Screen Height
no setter
screenPadding EdgeInsets
Get MediaQuery Screen Padding
no setter
screenSize Size
Get MediaQuery Screen Size
no setter
screenWidth double
Get MediaQuery Screen Width
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
Extension for getting textTheme
no setter
theme ThemeData
Extension for getting Theme
no setter
vxNav VxNavConfig
no setter


addOverlay(WidgetBuilder builder) OverlayEntry
Insert the given widget into the overlay. The newly inserted widget will always be at the top.
invokeAction(Intent intent) bool?
Action Extension
nextAndRemoveUntilPage(Widget page) → void
Removing all the widgets till defined rule, and pushes the built widget to the screen using the material fade in animation
nextPage(Widget page, {bool maintainState = true}) → void
Pushes the built widget to the screen using the material fade in animation
nextReplacementPage(Widget page, {bool maintainState = true}) → void
Pushes and replacing the built widget to the screen using the material fade in animation
pop<T>([T? result]) → void
Removes the top most Widget in the navigator's stack
push<T>(WidgetBuilder builder) Future<T?>
Pushes the built widget to the screen using the material fade in animation