
A TileProvider for flutter_map that adds support for MBTiles.

  • Supported vector tile format: pbf (sometimes known as mvt)
  • If you have raster tiles you can use flutter_map_mbtiles.
  • Web is not supported because of it's lacking SQLite support.

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Getting started

Add the following packages to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_map: ^6.0.0              # in case you don't have it yet 
  vector_map_tiles_mbtiles: ^1.0.0 # this package
  mbtiles: ^0.4.0                  # MBTiles package


  1. Open the MBTiles file

The MBTiles file must be stored on the file system and read permission must be granted to the app.

You can use the path_provider package to get the path of the app document directory.

// initiate your tile provider
final mbtiles = MbTiles(mbtilesPath: mbTilesPath, gzip: false);

// OR: in case your protobuf data is not gzip encoded use:
final mbtiles = MbTiles(mbtilesPath: mbTilesPath, gzip: false);
  1. Provide mbtiles to the MbTilesVectorTileProvider:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return FlutterMap(
    options: MapOptions(
      minZoom: 8,
      maxZoom: 18,
      initialZoom: 11,
      metadata.defaultCenter ?? const LatLng(0, 0),
    children: [
        theme: _theme,
        tileProviders: TileProviders({
          'openmaptiles': MbTilesVectorTileProvider(
            mbtiles: mbtiles,
            silenceTileNotFound: true,
        // do not set maximumZoom here to the metadata.maxZoom
        // or tiles won't get over-zoomed.
        maximumZoom: 18,

Additional information

If you need help you can open an issue or join the flutter_map discord server.