onPaintObject abstract method

void onPaintObject({
  1. required int color,
  2. required int? strokeCap,
  3. required int? strokeJoin,
  4. required int blendMode,
  5. required double? strokeMiterLimit,
  6. required double? strokeWidth,
  7. required int paintStyle,
  8. required int id,
  9. required int? shaderId,

A paint object has been decoded.

If the paint object is for a fill, then strokeCap, strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit, and strokeWidget will be null.


void onPaintObject({
  required int color,
  required int? strokeCap,
  required int? strokeJoin,
  required int blendMode,
  required double? strokeMiterLimit,
  required double? strokeWidth,
  required int paintStyle,
  required int id,
  required int? shaderId,