getDisplayMedia method
Calling this method will prompts the user to select and grant permission to capture the contents of a display or portion thereof (such as a window) as a MediaStream. The resulting stream can then be recorded using the MediaStream Recording API or transmitted as part of a WebRTC session.
Future<MediaStream> getDisplayMedia(
Map<String, dynamic> mediaConstraints) async {
try {
final mediaDevices = html.window.navigator.mediaDevices;
if (mediaDevices == null) throw Exception('MediaDevices is null');
if (jsutil.hasProperty(mediaDevices, 'getDisplayMedia')) {
final arg = jsutil.jsify(mediaConstraints);
final jsStream = await jsutil.promiseToFuture<html.MediaStream>(
jsutil.callMethod(mediaDevices, 'getDisplayMedia', [arg]));
return MediaStreamWeb(jsStream, 'local');
} else {
final jsStream = await html.window.navigator.getUserMedia(
video: {'mediaSource': 'screen'},
audio: mediaConstraints['audio'] ?? false);
return MediaStreamWeb(jsStream, 'local');
} catch (e) {
throw 'Unable to getDisplayMedia: ${e.toString()}';