argumentParser top-level property

ArgParser argumentParser

Script argument parser.


final ArgParser argumentParser = ArgParser()
    defaultsTo: dartProjectType,
    allowed: supportedProjectType,
    allowedHelp: <String, String>{
      dartProjectType: 'Static analytics for dart project',
      flutterProjectType: 'Static analytics for flutter project',
    help: 'Specify the type of project the script is run on',
    help: 'Specify the commit message rule',
    defaultsTo: GitHooksHandler.defaultCommitMessageRule,
    help: 'Specify the branch naming rule',
    defaultsTo: GitHooksHandler.defaultBranchNameRule,
    defaultsTo: true,
    help: 'Enable code style check on pre-commit',
    defaultsTo: true,
    help: 'Enable unit tests on pre-commit',
    hide: true,
    help: 'Enable integration tests on pre-commit',
    hide: true,
    help: 'Enable UI tests on pre-commit',
    help: 'Print help message',