KeysCommands<K, V> class abstract

key-value operation commands





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


append(K key, V value) Future<int?>
bitCount(K key, {int? start, int? end}) Future<int?>
bitOp(String operation, K destKey, List<K> keys) Future<int?>
bitPos(K key, int bit, {int? start, int? end}) Future<int?>
decr(K key) Future<int?>
decrBy(K key, int decrement) Future<int?>
del(K key) Future<bool>
DEL command (delete item)
exists(K key) Future<bool>
EXISTS command (check existence)
expire(K key, Duration duration) Future<bool>
EXPIRE command (set expire duration)
get(K key) Future<V?>
GET command (get value)
getBit(K key, int offset) Future<int?>
getdel(K key) Future<V?>
GETDEL command (get value and delete value)
getOption(String option) Future<String?>
getRange(K key, int start, int end) Future<V?>
getSet(K key, V value) Future<V?>
incr(K key) Future<int?>
incrBy(K key, int increment) Future<int?>
incrByFloat(K key, double increment) Future<double?>
keys(String pattern) Future<List<String>>
KEYS command (get keys that match pattern)
mGet(List<K> keys) Future<List<V>>
mSet(Map<K, V> keyValues) Future<bool>
mSetNX(Map<K, V> keyValues) Future<bool>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pSetEx(K key, int ttl, V value) Future<bool>
set(K key, V value) Future<bool>
SET command (set value)
setBit(K key, int offset, int value) Future<int?>
setEx(K key, int ttl, V value) Future<bool>
SET expire duration command (set value)
setNx(K key, V value) Future<bool>
setOption(String option) Future<bool>
setRange(K key, int offset, V value) Future<int?>
strlen(K key) Future<int?>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
ttl(K key) Future<int?>
Returns the remaining time to live of a key (get value)


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.