V Chat SDK - Voice Player Package

Welcome to the V Chat SDK Voice Player Package, a standalone component that provides a versatile voice player for your chat application. This package is a part of the V Chat SDK ecosystem, but it can also be used independently.


  • Voice Player Widget: This package includes a voice player widget with many features, including seeking and speeding up the playback.
  • Customizable: The appearance and functionality of the voice player can be tailored to your specific needs.


To get started with the V Chat SDK Voice Player package, you'll need to install it using your preferred package manager.


To integrate the voice player into your application, implement the VVoiceMessageView widget as shown below:

  controller: voiceController(message)!,
  notActiveSliderColor: context
  activeSliderColor: context.isDark ? Colors.green : Colors.red,

you can add VVoiceMessageController()

You can customize this widget to suit your application's needs and style.


For more comprehensive information on how to use this package, please refer to our extensive documentation. It includes detailed guides, examples, and tutorials to fully leverage the V Chat SDK ecosystem.


If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or general inquiries, please visit our issues page for information and to report any problems.

Note: Always ensure you are using the most recent version of the V Chat SDK and its packages to access the latest features and improvements.

The V Chat SDK Voice Player Package is proudly developed and maintained by the V Chat Team.