V Chat SDK OneSignal Push Notifications Package

Welcome to the V Chat SDK OneSignal Push Notifications Package, an essential add-on to enable push notifications through OneSignal. This package seamlessly integrates with the V Chat SDK core package, ensuring your users are always up-to-date with their conversations.


  • OneSignal Integration: This package uses OneSignal to deliver push notifications to your users.
  • Foreground Notification Support: It supports notifications while the app is in the foreground, so your users never miss an update.


To start using the V Chat SDK OneSignal Push Notifications package, you'll first need to install it in your project using your preferred package manager.


To enable push notifications through OneSignal, you can use the following code inside the VChatController.init() method:

  // Other parameters...
  vPush: VPush(
    oneSignalProvider: VChatOneSignalProver(
      appId: "your_onesignal_app_id",
    enableVForegroundNotification: true,

This method includes an optional vPush parameter, where you can pass a new VPush instance. By providing a VChatOneSignalProver() instance to oneSignalProvider and setting your OneSignal app ID, you're enabling the OneSignal service.


For a more comprehensive guide on how to use this package, please refer to our extensive documentation. This includes detailed guides, examples, and tutorials on how to take full advantage of the V Chat SDK ecosystem.


If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or general inquiries, please visit our issues page for information and to report any problems.

Note: Always ensure you are using the most recent version of the V Chat SDK and its packages to access the latest features and improvements.

The V Chat SDK OneSignal Push Notifications Package is proudly developed and maintained by the V Chat Team.

