VMessageLocalization.fromEnglish constructor



factory VMessageLocalization.fromEnglish() {
  return VMessageLocalization(
    typing: 'Typing...',
    recording: 'Recording...',
    delete: 'Delete',
    download: 'Download',
    copy: 'Copy',
    info: 'Info',
    share: 'Share',
    forward: 'Forward',
    reply: 'Reply',
    deleteFromAll: 'Delete from all',
    deleteFromMe: 'Delete from me',
    downloading: 'Downloading...',
    fileHasBeenSavedTo: 'File has been saved to',
    search: 'Search',
    unBlock: 'Unblock',
    block: 'Block',
    online: 'Online',
    members: 'Members',
    youDontHaveAccess: 'You don\'t have access',
    replyToYourSelf: 'You cannot reply to yourself',
    repliedToYourSelf: 'You replied to yourself',
    messageHasBeenDeleted: 'This message has been deleted',
    audioCall: 'Audio call',
    ring: 'Ring',
    canceled: 'Canceled',
    timeout: 'Timeout',
    rejected: 'Rejected',
    finished: 'Finished',
    inCall: 'In call',
    sessionEnd: 'Session ended',
    yesterday: 'Yesterday',
    today: 'Today',
    cancel: 'Cancel',
    vInputLanguage: const VInputLanguage(),
    makeCall: 'Make a call',
    areYouWantToMakeVideoCall: 'Do you want to make a video call?',
    areYouWantToMakeVoiceCall: 'Do you want to make a voice call?',
    ok: 'OK',
    connecting: 'Connecting...',
    vMessagesInfoTrans: VMessagesInfoTrans.fromEnglish(),