V Chat SDK - Message Page UI Package

Welcome to the V Chat SDK Message Page UI Package. This component provides a pre-built UI for the messaging page of your chat application. Note that this package is a part of the V Chat SDK ecosystem and can't be used as a standalone component.


  • Pre-built Messages Page UI: This package provides a UI for the messaging page, easing the development process.
  • Customizable Themes: You can easily customize the messaging page's theme to match your application's style.


To use the V Chat SDK Message Page UI package, you'll first need to install it in your project using your preferred package manager.


To customize the theme of the message page, apply a ThemeData and use the VMessageTheme class:

theme: ThemeData(
  extensions: [
      scaffoldDecoration:  BoxDecoration(
        color: Colors.green
      receiverTextStyle: TextStyle(),
      customMessageItem: (context, isMeSender, data) {
        /// Render custom message data here; 'data' is the map of data that you attached while sending the custom message
      receiverBubbleColor: Colors.green,

You can see more on how to use this package here.


For more comprehensive information on how to use this package, refer to our extensive documentation. It includes detailed guides, examples, and tutorials on how to fully leverage the V Chat SDK ecosystem.


If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or general inquiries, please visit our issues page for information and to report any problems.

Note: Always ensure you are using the most recent version of the V Chat SDK and its packages to access the latest features and improvements.

The V Chat SDK Message Page UI Package is proudly developed and maintained by the V Chat Team.