visitText method
Called when a Text node has been reached.
void visitText(md.Text text) {
// Don't allow text directly under the root.
if (_blocks.last.tag == null) {
// Define trim text function to remove spaces from text elements in
// accordance with Markdown specifications.
String trimText(String text) {
// The leading spaces pattern is used to identify spaces
// at the beginning of a line of text.
final RegExp _leadingSpacesPattern = RegExp(r'^ *');
// The soft line break pattern is used to identify the spaces at the end of a
// line of text and the leading spaces in the immediately following the line
// of text. These spaces are removed in accordance with the Markdown
// specification on soft line breaks when lines of text are joined.
final RegExp _softLineBreakPattern = RegExp(r' ?\n *');
// Leading spaces following a hard line break are ignored.
if (_lastTag == 'br') {
text = text.replaceAll(_leadingSpacesPattern, '');
// Spaces at end of the line and beginning of the next line are removed.
return text.replaceAll(_softLineBreakPattern, ' ');
Widget? child;
if (_blocks.isNotEmpty && builders.containsKey(_blocks.last.tag)) {
child = builders[_blocks.last.tag!]!
.visitText(text, styleSheet.styles[_blocks.last.tag!]);
} else if (_blocks.last.tag == 'pre') {
child = Scrollbar(
child: SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
padding: styleSheet.codeblockPadding,
child: _buildRichText(delegate.formatText(styleSheet, text.text)),
} else {
child = _buildRichText(
style: _isInBlockquote
? styleSheet.blockquote!.merge(
text: _isInBlockquote ? text.text : trimText(text.text),
recognizer: _linkHandlers.isNotEmpty ? _linkHandlers.last : null,
textAlign: _textAlignForBlockTag(_currentBlockTag),
if (child != null) {