An accessibility driven solution to facilitate the writing and execution of E2E tests understandable by any human being using cucumber(BDD) and flutter

Create or edit the build.yaml file at the root of your project

			- integration_test/** # By default, build runner will not generate code in the integration folder  
			- test/** # so we override paths for code generation here  
			- lib/**  
			- $package$  
				enabled: false  
				enabled: true  

Write your tests

Create a test file integration_test/first-test.feature

Feature: Panoramax mobile App  
	Scenario: Homepage  
		Given the app is running  
		Then I should see a title named {'Your sequences'}  
		And I should see a button named {'Create a new sequence'}  
	Scenario: Capture page  
		Given the app is running  
		When I tap on a button named {'Create a new sequence'}  
		Then I should see a button named {'Take a picture'}  
		And I should see a button named {'Switch camera'}  
		And I should see a button named {'Create a new sequence with captured pictures'}  

Available sentences

I put the device in portrait mode

Turns device into portrait orientation

I put the device in landscape mode

Turns device into landscape orientation

I should see the text {'text'}

Checks that the specified text is present

I should not see the text {'text'}

Checks that the specified text is not present

I should see a button named {'My button'}

Checks that a button exists with the specified accessible name

I should not see a button named {'My button'}

Checks that a button does not exist with the specified accessible name

I tap on a button named {'My button'}

Tap on a button with the specified accessible name

I should see a text field named {'a TextField'}

Checks that a text field exists with the specified accessible name

I should see a title named {'First title'}

Checks that a title exists with the specified accessible name

Generate test files from feature files

One shot

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Watch change

dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Implement generated step the app is running

Edit the generated file integration_test/step/the_app_is_running.dart to start your app during the step :

import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';  
import 'package:panoramax_mobile/main.dart'; // <-- Replace this path  
Future<void> theAppIsRunning(WidgetTester tester) async {  
  await tester.pumpWidget(const PanoramaxApp()); // <-- Replace PanoramaxApp by your app  

Run generated tests

flutter test integration_test

