generate method
v5() Generates a namspace & name-based version 5 UUID
By default it will generate a string based on a provided uuid namespace and name, and will return a string.
The first argument is an options map that takes various configuration options detailed in the readme.
String generate(String? namespace, String? name, {V5Options? options}) {
// Check if user wants a random namespace generated by v4() or a NIL namespace.
var useRandom = options?.randomNamespace ?? true;
// If useRandom is true, generate UUIDv4, else use NIL
var blankNS = useRandom
? UuidV4(goptions: goptions).generate(options: options?.v4options)
: Namespace.nil.value;
// Use provided namespace, or use whatever is decided by options.
namespace = (namespace != null) ? namespace : blankNS;
// Use provided name,
name = (name != null) ? name : '';
// Convert namespace UUID to Byte List
var bytes = UuidParsing.parse(namespace);
// Convert name to UTF-8 bytes
var nameBytes = utf8.encode(name);
// Generate SHA1 using namespace concatenated with name
var hashBytes = crypto.sha1.convert([...bytes, ...nameBytes]).bytes;
// per 4.4, set bits for version and clockSeq high and reserved
hashBytes[6] = (hashBytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x50;
hashBytes[8] = (hashBytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return UuidParsing.unparse(hashBytes.sublist(0, 16));