v4buffer method

List<int> v4buffer(
  1. List<int> buffer, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? options,
  3. int offset = 0,

v4buffer() Generates a RNG version 4 UUID

By default it will generate a string based off mathRNG, and will place the result into the provided buffer. The buffer will also be returned. If you wish to have crypto-strong RNG, pass in UuidUtil.cryptoRNG.

Optionally an offset can be provided with a start position in the buffer.

The first argument is an options map that takes various configuration options detailed in the readme.



List<int> v4buffer(
  List<int> buffer, {
  Map<String, dynamic>? options,
  int offset = 0,
}) {
  return parse(v4(options: options), buffer: buffer, offset: offset);