pad method

String pad(
  1. int length, [
  2. String chars = ' '

Pads the string on the left and right sides if it's shorter than length.

Padding characters will be truncated if they can't be evenly divided by length.

var pad1 = 'abc'.pad(8); // '  abc   '

var pad2 = 'abc'.pad(8, '=_'); // '=_abc=_='

var pad3 = 'abc'.pad(3); // 'abc'


String pad(int length, [String chars = ' ']) {
  var strLength = length != 0 ? this.length : 0;
  if (length == 0 || strLength >= length) {
    return this;
  var mid = (length - strLength) / 2;
  return (_createPadding(mid.floor(), chars) +
      this +
      _createPadding(mid.ceil(), chars));