UtilityList<T> extension



isGrowable bool
returns true if it is Growable list otherwise false.
no setter


addAllWhile(List<T> from, bool test(T element)) List<T?>?
starts adding elements to this from from until condition becomes false
addIf(List<T> from, bool test(T element)) List<T?>?
adds elements which satisfies test from List<T> from to this.
chunk([int size = 1]) List<List<T?>?>
Creates a new list of elements split into groups the length of size.
compact() List<T?>?
Creates an list of elements where the values of the list are not Falsey.
drop([int n = 1]) List<T?>
removes n number of elements from the beginning of list
dropRight([int n = 1]) List<T?>
removes n number of elements from the ending of list
dropRightWhile(bool test(T? element)) List<T?>
starts removing elements from the ending of list until condition becomes false
dropWhile(bool test(T? element)) List<T?>
starts removing elements from the starting of list until condition becomes false
flatten() List<T?>
Flattens array a single level deep.
flattenDeep() List<T?>
Recursively flattens array.
flattenDepth([int depth = 1]) List<T?>
Recursively flatten array up to depth times.
random({bool secure = false, bool remove = false, int? seed}) → T?
Returns random value from list. If list is empty then it returns null
removeFirst() → T?
Removes items at 0 position in this
slice(int start, [int? end]) List<T?>
Creates a slice of list from start up to endexclusive.