create static method

Future<UsbPort?> create(
  1. int vid,
  2. int pid, [
  3. String type = "",
  4. int interface = -1,

Creates a UsbPort from vid, pid and optionally type and interface. throws an error on failure. This function will pop up a permission request if needed.

vid = Vendor Id pid = Product Id type = One of UserSerial.CDC, UsbSerial.CH34x, UsbSerial.CP210x, UsbSerial.FTDI, UsbSerial.PL2303 or empty for auto detect. interface = Interface of the Usb Interface, -1 for auto detect.

Example for a fake device with VID 0x1000 and PID 0x2000

UsbPort port = await UsbSerial.create(0x1000, 0x2000);


static Future<UsbPort?> create(int vid, int pid, [String type = "", int interface = -1]) async {
  String? methodChannelName = await _channel.invokeMethod("create", {"type": type, "vid": vid, "pid": pid, "deviceId": -1, "interface": interface});

  if (methodChannelName == null) {
    return null;

  return new UsbPort(methodChannelName);