waitForLastPing method
Wait for all of the outstanding analytics pings to complete. The returned
will always complete without errors. You can pass in an optional
to specify to only wait for a certain amount of time.
This method is particularly useful for command-line clients. Outstanding
I/O requests will cause the VM to delay terminating the process.
Generally, users won't want their CLI app to pause at the end of the
process waiting for Google analytics requests to complete. This method
allows CLI apps to delay for a short time waiting for GA requests to
complete, and then do something like call dart:io
's exit()
themselves (or the close method below).
Future<List<dynamic>> waitForLastPing({Duration? timeout}) async {
// If there are pending messages, send them now.
if (_batchedEvents.isNotEmpty) {
var f = Future.wait(_futures);
if (timeout != null) f = f.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () => []);
return f;