Supported schemes:

  • file
  • data
  • http/https
  • content (Android only)

Getting Started

import 'package:uri_content/uri_content.dart';

UriContent instance

final uriContent = UriContent();

Future<Uint8List?> getContentFromUri(Uri uri) async {
  try {
    // Attention! To make this try/catch work, you DO need this await 
    return await uriContent.from(uri);
  } catch (e, s) {
    return null;

Methods available:

  • Stream<Uint8List> getContentStream(Uri uri): Retrieves a Stream of Uint8List where each event represents a chunk of content from the specified URI. This approach is more suitable when you don't need the entire content at once, such as in a request provider or when directly saving the bytes into a File. Handling small chunks significantly reduces memory consumption.
  • Future<Uint8List> from(Uri uri): Retrieves the entire content at once. Be cautious as it may crash your app when attempting to retrieve a large file.
  • Future<Uint8List?> fromOrNull(Uri uri): Same as from, but returns null instead of throwing an exception when an error happens

Extension function

Future<Uint8List?> getContentFromUri(Uri uri) async {
  try {
    return await uri.getContent();
  } catch (e, s) {
    return null;

The function getContentOrNull() is also available if you are not interested in handling errors.

