process method

Future<VideoEncodingConvertEntity> process(
  1. Map<String, List<VideoTransformation>> transformers, {
  2. bool? storeMode,

Run a processing job

transformers is a Map with video id and list of VideoTransformation When storeMode is set to false, the outputs will only be available for 24 hours.


final videoEncoding = ApiVideoEncoding(options);

final result = await videoEncoding.process({
  'video-id-1': [
      const const Duration(seconds: 10),
      length: const Duration(
        seconds: 30,
  'video-id-2': [
    VideoResizeTransformation(const Size(512, 384)),


Future<VideoEncodingConvertEntity> process(
  Map<String, List<VideoTransformation>> transformers, {
  bool? storeMode,
}) async {
  final request = createRequest('POST', buildUri('$apiUrl/convert/video/'))
    ..body = jsonEncode({
      'paths': {
        assert(() {
          return !entry.value.any((transformation) =>
              transformation is QualityTransformation &&
              transformation.value == QualityTValue.Smart);
        }(), 'QualityTValue.Smart cannot be used with VideoTransformation');

        return PathTransformer('${entry.key}/video',
                transformations: entry.value
                  ..sort((a, b) =>
                      b is VideoThumbsGenerateTransformation ? -1 : 1))
      'store': resolveStoreModeParam(storeMode),

  return VideoEncodingConvertEntity.fromJson(
    await resolveStreamedResponse(request.send()),