overlappingThumbStrokeColor property

Color? overlappingThumbStrokeColor

Specifies the stroke color for the thumbs when they overlap in the SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.

If the thumb already has a stroke color, this color will not be applied.

SfRangeValues _values = SfRangeValues(4.0, 7.0);

  body: Center(
      child: SfRangeSliderTheme(
          data: SfRangeSliderThemeData(
             overlappingThumbStrokeColor: Colors.red,
          child:  SfRangeSlider(
              min: 2.0,
              max: 10.0,
              values: _values,
              onChanged: (SfRangeValues newValues){
                  setState(() {
                      _values = newValues;

See also:


final Color? overlappingThumbStrokeColor;