UPI Connect

pub package

upi_connect is a Flutter plugin designed to execute UPI transactions seamlessly using an intent URL on Android devices. This plugin supports executing UPI transactions with various UPI apps installed on the device and provides a structured response back to the application, enabling easy handling of transaction results.

Table of Contents


  • Executes UPI transactions using a URL intent on Android.
  • Supports handling responses after UPI transactions.
  • Currently supports Android only.


Add upi_connect as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

  upi_connect: latest_version

Run the following command:

flutter pub get


1. List All UPI Apps

Retrieve a list of UPI apps installed on the device.

List<UPIApp> upiApps = await UpiConnect.getAllApps();
upiApps.forEach((app) {
  print("UPI App: ${app.name}, Package: ${app.packageName}");
Parameter Type Description
name String App's name
icon List<int> Icon as a list of bytes
packageName String Package name for the app

2. Make UPI Transaction Using Intent URL

UPITransaction upiTransaction = UPITransaction.fromUrl(
  upiUrl: "upi://pay?pa=test@ybl&pn=test&am=1.00&tr=1210374251828217008&tn=Getupiapps&cu=INR&mode=04",
  onResponse: (UPITransactionResponse response) {
  upiApp: upiApp,
Map? response = await upiTransaction.initiate();
Parameter Type Description
upiUrl String UPI intent URL string
onResponse Function(UPITransactionResponse) Callback that receives the UPITransactionResponse
upiApp UPIApp? Optional UPI app to initiate the transaction

3. Make UPI Transaction by Passing Required Arguments

UPITransaction upiTransaction = UPITransaction(
  amount: 50.0,
  receiverName: "TestUser",
  receiverUpiId: "test@ybl",
  transactionId: "1234567890",
  transactionNote: "Test Transaction",
  onResponse: (UPITransactionResponse response) {
  upiApp: upiApp,
Map? response = await upiTransaction.initiate();
Parameter Type Description
amount double Transaction amount
receiverName String Receiver's name
receiverUpiId String UPI ID of the receiver
transactionId String Unique ID for the transaction
transactionNote String Optional note for the transaction
onResponse Function(UPITransactionResponse) Callback that receives the UPITransactionResponse
upiApp UPIApp? Optional UPI app to initiate the transaction

The upiTransaction.initiate() method returns a Map? as the response from the native layer. The response contains a key named status, which indicates the result of the transaction initiation:

  • "SUCCESS": The transaction was successfully initiated.
  • "ERROR": The transaction initiation failed.




Returns a list of installed UPI apps.


Initializes a UPI transaction using a UPI intent URL.


Configures a UPI transaction with specified parameters.

Response Format

The UPITransactionResponse model includes:

Field Type Description
transactionId String Transaction's unique ID
responseCode String Code for the transaction's result
referenceId String Reference ID of the transaction
status TRANSACTIONSTATUS Transaction status (success, failure, other)
statusMessage String Message describing the transaction result
rawResponse dynamic Original response from the UPI app

Status Enum

  • TRANSACTIONSTATUS.success: Successful transaction.
  • TRANSACTIONSTATUS.failure: Failed transaction.
  • TRANSACTIONSTATUS.other: No response or unknown status.

Platform Support

  • Android: Supported
  • iOS: Not supported yet


Feel free to submit issues and pull requests! Contributions help improve this plugin's functionality.


For questions, open an issue or reach out directly.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.