minAppVersion static method

Version? minAppVersion(
  1. Map response, {
  2. String tagName = 'mav',

Return the minimum app version taken from the tag in the description field from the store response. The format is: :mav: 1.2.3. Returns version, such as 1.2.3, or null.


static Version? minAppVersion(Map response, {String tagName = 'mav'}) {
  Version? version;
  try {
    final description = ITunesResults.description(response);
    if (description != null) {
      String regExpSource = r"\[\:tagName\:[\s]*(?<version>[^\s]+)[\s]*\]";
      regExpSource = regExpSource.replaceAll(RegExp('tagName'), tagName);
      final regExp = RegExp(regExpSource, caseSensitive: false);
      final match = regExp.firstMatch(description);
      final mav = match?.namedGroup('version');

      if (mav != null) {
        try {
          // Verify version string using class Version
          version = Version.parse(mav);
        } on Exception catch (e) {
          print('upgrader: ITunesResults.minAppVersion: $tagName error: $e');
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    print('upgrader.ITunesResults.minAppVersion : $e');
  return version;