getUpdateAvailability function

Future<Availability> getUpdateAvailability({
  1. String? iosAppStoreRegion,

Checks if there is an update available for the application.

If the iosAppStoreRegion is set, the iOS version is checked in the specified region.

This method returns the Availability of the update.


void main() async {
  final updateAvailability = await getUpdateAvailability();

  final text = updateAvailability.fold(
    available: () => "There's an update to you app! Please, update it "
                     "so you have access to the latest features!",
    notAvailable: () => 'No update is available for your app.',
    unknown: () => "It was not possible to determine if there is or not "
                   "an update for your app.",



Future<Availability> getUpdateAvailability({String? iosAppStoreRegion}) {
  return UpdateAvailablePlatform.instance.getUpdateAvailability(iosAppStoreRegion: iosAppStoreRegion);