flatChipWithCheckFor function

Widget flatChipWithCheckFor({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required String? latestVersion,
  3. required String appVersion,
  4. required UpdatStatus status,
  5. required void checkForUpdate(),
  6. required void openDialog(),
  7. required void startUpdate(),
  8. required Future<void> launchInstaller(),
  9. required void dismissUpdate(),


Widget flatChipWithCheckFor({
  required BuildContext context,
  required String? latestVersion,
  required String appVersion,
  required UpdatStatus status,
  required void Function() checkForUpdate,
  required void Function() openDialog,
  required void Function() startUpdate,
  required Future<void> Function() launchInstaller,
  required void Function() dismissUpdate,
}) {
  if (UpdatStatus.available == status ||
      UpdatStatus.availableWithChangelog == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Update to version ${latestVersion!.toString()}',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: openDialog,
        icon: const Icon(Icons.system_update_alt_rounded),
        label: const Text('Update available'),

  if (UpdatStatus.downloading == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Please Wait...',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: () {},
        icon: const SizedBox(
          width: 15,
          height: 15,
          child: CircularProgressIndicator(
            strokeWidth: 2,
        label: const Text('Downloading...'),

  if (UpdatStatus.readyToInstall == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Click to Install',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: launchInstaller,
        icon: const Icon(Icons.check_circle),
        label: const Text('Ready to install'),

  if (UpdatStatus.error == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'There was an issue with the update. Please try again.',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: startUpdate,
        icon: const Icon(Icons.warning),
        label: const Text('Error. Try Again.'),

  if (UpdatStatus.idle == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Click to check for updates',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: checkForUpdate,
        icon: const Icon(Icons.refresh_rounded),
        label: const Text('Check for Updates'),

  if (UpdatStatus.upToDate == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Click to check for updates',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: checkForUpdate,
        icon: const Icon(Icons.check_circle),
        label: const Text('Up to date'),

  if (UpdatStatus.checking == status) {
    return Tooltip(
      message: 'Please Wait...',
      child: TextButton.icon(
        onPressed: () {},
        icon: const SizedBox(
          width: 15,
          height: 15,
          child: CircularProgressIndicator(
            strokeWidth: 2,
        label: const Text('Checking for Updates...'),

  return Container();