parseString method

FormulaAst parseString(
  1. String string, {
  2. List<FormulaAst> variables = const [],
  3. String? name,

Parses string (a mathematical formula) and returns the FormulaAst.

If variables are provided, their names can be used in the formula. The variables are other, formerly parsed FormulaAsts. They should be provided in definition order, so that later definitions of a formula with the same name will override earlier ones.

If the formula should be its own variable, provide its name.


FormulaAst parseString(String string,
    {List<FormulaAst> variables = const [], String? name}) {
  if (name != null) {
    if (name.isEmpty) {
      throw ArgumentError('Name of variable cannot be empty');

    if (name.contains(' ')) {
      throw ArgumentError('Name of variable cannot have spaces in it: $name');

  final result = formulaParser.parse(string);

  return FormulaAst(
      result.isFailure ? null : result.value,
      result.isFailure ? result.message : null,
      name: name);