Enjoyable & customizable offline-first REST API client

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Unruffled is lightweight and customizable http client that allows you to create offline-first easily.


  • 🧘 Stay safe by automatically managing offline storage & connectivity errors
  • 🚀 Very customizable
  • 💻 All platforms supported
  • 🤖 Intuitive & simple API
  • 🔒 Strong encryption with Hive

Getting Started

Check out the Quick Start documentation to get started.

Quick start

1. Add to pubspec.yaml

  json_annotation: ^4.5.0
  unruffled: ^1.0.0

  build_runner: any
  json_serializable: ^6.2.0
  unruffled_generator: ^1.0.0

NOTE : Unruffled relies to json_annotation and json_serializable to work as expected, please ensure to add theme in your dependencies.

2. Declare models

Declare models used by your remote service and generate Unruffled adapters.

class User extends DataModel<User> {
  int? id;
  String name;
  String surname;
  int age;

  User({super.unruffledKey, this.id, required this.name, required this.surname, required this.age});

Build your flutter directory to generate a UserRepository()

flutter pub run build_runner build

NOTE: Your class must call super.unruffledKey

  • unruffledKey refers to your local object ID generated by unruffled

3. Register adapters

For all platforms except web, use path_provider to generate a directory path.

final dir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory(); // path_provider package
var unruffled = Unruffled(
      baseDirectory: dir,
      defaultBaseUrl: 'http://example.com',
      dio: dio,

4. Initialize Unruffled

Before using Unruffled, ensure to initialize it.

await unruffled.init();

🚀 That's it, you're ready to go !


1. Create a user

Define a user and call User repository.

final testUser = User(name: 'John', surname: 'Doe');
final repository = unruffled.repository<User>();

Create your user by calling post() method.

var user = await repository.post(model: testUser);

2. Get a user

var user = await repository.get(key: user.key);

3. Delete a user

var user = await repository.delete(key: user.key);

4. Query users

QueryBuilder lets you apply filters on your queries.

Filters will be applied automatically on local queries.
To enable filters on remote queries, you must implement following method :

Note : For a complete working example, check unruffled_feathersjs

mixin CustomRemoteRepository<T extends DataModel<T>> on RemoteRepository<T> {
  Map<String, dynamic> parseLimit(int limit) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parsePage(int page) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseSort(SortCondition<R> sort) => {};
  Map<String, dynamic> parseEqual(FilterCondition<T> condition) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseNotEqual(FilterCondition<T> condition) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseGreaterThan(FilterCondition<T> condition) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseLessThan(FilterCondition<T> condition) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseInValues(FilterCondition<T> condition) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseOrCondition(List<FilterOperation<T>> operations) => {};

  Map<String, dynamic> parseAndCondition(List<FilterOperation<T>> operations) => {};

QueryBuilder usage :

List<User> users = await repository.getAll(
  queryBuilder: QueryBuilder(
    filterGroup: FilterGroup.or(
      filters: [
        FilterCondition.equal(property: UserField.surname(), value: 'Doe'),
        FilterCondition.greaterThan(property: UserField.age(), value: 18, include: true),
    limit: 10,
    page: 1,
    sort: SortCondition(property: UserField.age(), sort: SortType.desc),

5. Manage connectivity isues

If connectivity errors occur, Unruffled stores automatically requests to retry them later, just call the global method :

final operations = unruffled.offlineOperations;
for (var remoteRepository in operations.keys) {
  await operations[remoteRepository].retry(remoteRepository);

Or call for each remote repository :

final operations = repository.offlineOperations;
for (var operation in operations) {
  await operation.retry(repository);


Support for doing something awesome.