This package allows to validate, revoke or authenticate your client using the newest Twitch API.

Available on


It contains the following methods:

  • getLoginLink: used to retrieve the login link
  • validate: the endpoint /oauth2/validate allows to validate the token retrieved
  • revoke: the endpoint /oauth2/revoke allows to revoke the token

For more information see the class twitch_authentication.dart

Register your app on Twitch Dev console

  • Go to the dev website:
  • Open "Your Console"
  • Register a new application with: name, OAuth redirect and the category

When you finish to set it up, you will redirect to your app. Here you can your Client ID and secret token (don't share to anyone!)

Getting started

You can use with Provider to retrieve the implementation instance:

List<SingleChildWidget> _initProvider() {
  return [
      create: (ctx) => TwitchAuthenticationImpl(),

Or you can use get_it library to register your instance and its implementation:

GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance;

void setup() {

Use the instance generated to use one of the following method for:

Generate login URL:

final urlLogin = authInstance.getLoginLink(
    clientId: 'my_client_id', redirect: 'http://myredirecturl');

Validate access token

final validate = authInstance.validate(accessToken: 'zzz');

Revoke access token

final revoke = authInstance.revoke(clientId: 'my_client_id', accessToken: 'zzz');

Additional information

If you want a real example, see the main app