create static method

OpenAIService create({
  1. required String apiToken,
  2. Uri? customUri,
  3. bool enableLogging = false,

Returns the OpenAIService instance.

The apiToken parameter is mandatory for every requests. The customUri parameter is used to switch the base path of the requests. The enableLogging parameter should be set to true, when you need logs.


static OpenAIService create({
  required String apiToken,
  Uri? customUri,
  bool enableLogging = false,
}) {
  assert(apiToken.isNotEmpty, 'Api token must have at least one character');

  const openAiBaseUrlDefault = '';

  final client = ChopperClient(
    baseUrl: customUri ?? Uri.parse(openAiBaseUrlDefault),
    services: [_$OpenAIService()],
    converter: const OpenAITypeConverter(factories),
    interceptors: [
        headerKeyAuthentication: 'Bearer $apiToken',
      if (enableLogging) HttpLoggingInterceptor(),
      if (enableLogging) CurlInterceptor(),
  return _$OpenAIService(client);