EditRequest constructor

const EditRequest({
  1. required String instruction,
  2. String? model,
  3. String? input,
  4. int? n,
  5. double? temperature,
  6. @JsonKey(name: 'top_p') double? topP,


const factory EditRequest({
  /// The instruction that tells the model how to edit the prompt.
  required final String instruction,

  /// ID of the model to use. You can use the
  /// [List models API](https://beta.openai.com/docs/api-reference/models/list)
  /// to see all of your available models, or see our
  /// [Model overview](https://beta.openai.com/docs/models/overview)
  /// for descriptions of them.
  final String? model,

  /// The input text to use as a starting point for the edit.
  final String? input,

  /// How many edits to generate for the input and instruction.
  final int? n,

  /// What [sampling temperature](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-sample-from-language-models-682bceb97277?gi=3d1b289238b6)
  /// to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks.
  final double? temperature,
  @JsonKey(name: 'top_p') final double? topP,
}) = _EditRequest;