tryFindCopies method

({Card? card, int count}) tryFindCopies(
  1. CardSet cardSet,
  2. int orderInSet

Looks up a card in this collection by its cardSet and orderInSet.

If the card is found, returns a tuple of the card and the number of copies of that card in this collection. If the card is not found, returns a record of null and 0.

NOTE: This method is not highly optimized.


({Card? card, int count}) tryFindCopies(CardSet cardSet, int orderInSet) {
  final cardSetMap = _cards[cardSet];
  if (cardSetMap == null) {
    return (card: null, count: 0);
  for (final card in cardSetMap.keys) {
    if (card.orderInSet == orderInSet) {
      return (card: card, count: cardSetMap[card] ?? 0);
  return (card: null, count: 0);