isInsideRadius abstract method

bool isInsideRadius(
  1. LatLng location,
  2. double radius, {
  3. DistanceAlgorithmType algorithm = DistanceAlgorithmType.Haversine,
  4. LengthUnit unit = LengthUnit.M,

Check if a specific location is inside the radius from current center of the map.

location the location to be checked whether it's within a radius radius the radius to be used to check algorithm algorithm to be used. Available values DistanceAlgorithmType.Haversine and DistanceAlgorithmType.Vincenty

        Default [DistanceAlgorithmType.Haversine]

unit unit of radius. Default in meters LengthUnit.M


bool isInsideRadius(
  LatLng location,
  double radius, {
  DistanceAlgorithmType algorithm = DistanceAlgorithmType.Haversine,
  LengthUnit unit = LengthUnit.M,