wrapLatLngBounds method

  1. @override
LatLngBounds wrapLatLngBounds(
  1. LatLngBounds bounds

Returns a LatLngBounds with the same size as the given one, ensuring that its center is within the CRS's bounds.

Only accepts actual LatLngBounds instances, not list [].


LatLngBounds wrapLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds) {
  LatLng center = bounds.center;
  LatLng newCenter = wrapLatLng(center);
  double latShift = center.lat - newCenter.lat;
  double lngShift = center.lng - newCenter.lng;

  if (latShift == 0 && lngShift == 0) {
    return bounds;

  LatLng sw = bounds.southWest!;
  LatLng ne = bounds.northEast!;
  LatLng newSw = LatLng(sw.lat - latShift, sw.lng - lngShift);
  LatLng newNe = LatLng(ne.lat - latShift, ne.lng - lngShift);

  return LatLngBounds(newSw, newNe);