ExtensionContext extension



getRenderBox RenderBox?
no setter
getWidgetBounds Rect
get Widget Bounds (width, height, left, top, right, bottom and so on).Widgets must be rendered completely. 获取widget Rect
no setter
iconButtonTheme IconButtonThemeData
no setter
iconColor Color?
give access to Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color
no setter
iconTheme IconThemeData
no setter
isDarkMode bool
Check if dark mode theme is enable
no setter
maybeOverlay OverlayState?
no setter
maybeView FlutterView?
Returns the FlutterView that the provided context will render into.
no setter
overlay OverlayState?
no setter
tabBarTheme TabBarTheme
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
theme ThemeData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
view FlutterView
Returns the FlutterView that the provided context will render into.
no setter


getWidgetGlobalToLocal({Offset point = Offset.zero, RenderObject? ancestor}) Offset
Get the coordinates of the widget on the screen.Widgets must be rendered completely. 获取widget在屏幕上的坐标,widget必须渲染完成
getWidgetLocalToGlobal({Offset point = Offset.zero, RenderObject? ancestor}) Offset
Get the coordinates of the widget on the screen.Widgets must be rendered completely. 获取widget在屏幕上的坐标,widget必须渲染完成
getWidgetRectGlobalToLocal({Offset point = Offset.zero, RenderObject? ancestor}) Rect?
Get the Rect of the widget on the screen.Widgets must be rendered completely. 获取widget在屏幕上的Rect,widget必须渲染完成
getWidgetRectLocalToGlobal({Offset point = Offset.zero, RenderObject? ancestor}) Rect?
Get the Rect of the widget on the screen.Widgets must be rendered completely. 获取widget在屏幕上的Rect,widget必须渲染完成
heightTransformer({double dividedBy = 1, double reducedBy = 0.0}) double
Gives you the power to get a portion of the height. Useful for responsive applications.
ratio({double dividedBy = 1, double reducedByW = 0.0, double reducedByH = 0.0}) double
Divide the height proportionally by the given value
widthTransformer({double dividedBy = 1, double reducedBy = 0.0}) double
Gives you the power to get a portion of the width. Useful for responsive applications.