openAppStore method

Future<bool> openAppStore(
  1. String str, {
  2. String? marketPackageName,
  3. LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault,
  4. WebViewConfiguration webViewConfiguration = const WebViewConfiguration(),
  5. String? webOnlyWindowName,

ios str 对应app id ios str corresponds to the APP ID macOS str 对应app id macOS str corresponds to the APP ID android str 对应 packageName,安装多个应用商店时会弹窗选择, marketPackageName 指定打开应用市场的包名 Android str corresponds to packageName, which is selected when multiple app stores are installed. "marketPackageName" specifies the name of the package to open the app Market


Future<bool> openAppStore(
  String str, {
  String? marketPackageName,
  LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault,
  WebViewConfiguration webViewConfiguration = const WebViewConfiguration(),
  String? webOnlyWindowName,
}) async {
  if (isIOS || isMacOS) {
    final String url = 'itms-apps://$str';
    return await openUrl(url,
        mode: mode,
        webOnlyWindowName: webOnlyWindowName,
        webViewConfiguration: webViewConfiguration);
  } else if (isAndroid) {
    return await Curiosity()
        .openAndroidAppMarket(str, marketPackageName: marketPackageName);
  return false;