translate method

Widget translate([
  1. bool usePlaceholder = false,
  2. String placeholder = "..."

Translate the text to the defined language using the universal_translator package using the FutureBuilder widget.

If the usePlaceholder arguments is false then it will show the original while awaits. If the placeholder arguments is null then it will show three dots.


Widget translate([bool usePlaceholder = false, String placeholder = "..."]) {
  if (this.message == null) {
    return this;
  String data = this.message!;
  return FutureBuilder<String?>(
      future: UniversalTranslatorController().translateText(data),
      builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String?> snapshot) {
        String? response = (usePlaceholder ? placeholder : this.message);
        if (snapshot.hasData) {
          response = ?? this.message;
        return Tooltip(
          key: this.key,
          message: response,
          height: this.height,
          padding: this.padding,
          margin: this.margin,
          verticalOffset: this.verticalOffset,
          preferBelow: this.preferBelow,
          excludeFromSemantics: this.excludeFromSemantics,
          decoration: this.decoration,
          textStyle: this.textStyle,
          waitDuration: this.waitDuration,
          showDuration: this.showDuration,
          child: this.child