Universal Internet Checker

Listenable class to check internet connectivity in Web and Mobile (not tested on desktop yet)

You can also use this in a StreamProvider to give network awareness to your entire app.


Include universal_internet_checker in your pubspec.yaml file or add it from pub:

flutter pub add universal_internet_checker


To use this package, just import it into your file and call the static method checkInternet as follows:

import 'package:universal_internet_checker/universal_internet_checker.dart';


ConnectionStatus status = await UniversalInternetChecker.checkInternet();


Note: You can set the static variable "checkAddress" to a specific URL to make the operation and check the internet connection. By default, this value is www.google.com. Do not include (http:// or https://) or any subdirectory in your address

UniversalInternetChecker.checkAddress = 'www.example.com';

Note: You can listen for internet connection changes. Here is the example

import 'package:universal_internet_checker/universal_internet_checker.dart';

StreamSubscription? subscription;
ConnectionStatus? _status;

void initState() {
  subscription = UniversalInternetChecker.onConnectionChange.listen((status) {
    setState(() {
      _status = status;

void dispose() {


Note: If you're using provider, use

  create: (context) => UniversalInternetChecker().onConnectionChange,
  initialData: ConnectionStatus.unknown)