load static method

Future<void> load({
  1. required String placementId,
  2. dynamic onComplete(
    1. String placementId
  3. dynamic onFailed(
    1. String placementId,
    2. UnityAdsLoadError error,
    3. String errorMessage

Load a placement to make it available to show. Ads generally take a few seconds to finish loading before they can be shown.

  • placementId - the placement ID, as defined in Unity Ads admin tools.
  • onComplete - callback triggered when a load request has successfully filled the specified placementId with an ad that is ready to show.
  • onFailed - called when load request has failed to load an ad for a requested placement.


static Future<void> load({
  required String placementId,
  Function(String placementId)? onComplete,
  Function(String placementId, UnityAdsLoadError error, String errorMessage)?
}) async {
      .putIfAbsent(placementId, () => _AdMethodChannel(placementId))
        onLoadComplete: onComplete,
        onLoadFailed: onFailed,

  final arguments = <String, dynamic>{
    placementIdParameter: placementId,
  await _channel.invokeMethod(loadMethod, arguments);