showInterstitailAd static method

Future<bool?> showInterstitailAd({
  1. required String placementId,
  2. dynamic listener(
    1. UnityAdsState adState,
    2. Map<String, dynamic> result

Show Interstitial Ad, if ready.

placementId placement identifier, as defined in Unity Ads Dashboard UnityAdsState adState - current state of the ad listener - callback for ad state changes


static Future<bool?> showInterstitailAd({
  required String placementId,
  Function(UnityAdsState adState, Map<String, dynamic> result)? listener,
}) async {
  try {
    if (listener != null) {
              () => MethodChannel('${fullAdChannel}_$placementId'))
          .setMethodCallHandler((call) => _showMethodCall(call, listener));

    return await _channel.invokeMethod(showInterstitialAdMethod, {
      placementIdParameter: placementId,
  } on PlatformException {
    return false;