Unit Convert

A Dart unit converter to convert between numerous units easily.


Add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  unit_convert: ^0.1.3

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You can use the convert function to convert between most units:

import 'package:unit_convert/unit_convert.dart';

//                     (from)    (to)
double result = convert(celsius, fahrenheit, 100);

or using the to method on each unit:

double result = celsius.to(fahrenheit, 100);

or shorthand using function invocation:

double result = celsius(fahrenheit, 100);

or using from for more clarity:

double result = from(celsius).to(fahrenheit, 100);

The most commonly used units are already imported by default. If you need to convert between less commonly used units, please use the enum of the unit category:

double result = convert(LengthUnit.astronomicalUnit, LengthUnit.lightYear, 100000);
double result = TimeUnit.leapYear.to(TimeUnit.quindecinnal, 10);
double result = from(EnergyUnit.kilocalorie).to(EnergyUnit.wattHour, 1000);

Available Units

The following unit categories are available:

Category Examples Units
AngleUnit degree, radian, grad, minute
AreaUnit squareMeter, squareMile, hectare
EnergyUnit joule, wattHour, calorie
ForceUnit newton, poundForce, dyne
LengthUnit kilometer, mile, lightYear
NumberUnit binary, hexadecimal, base-4
PowerUnit watt, horsepower, caloriesPerHour
PressureUnit bar, psi, pascal, hectopascal
SpeedUnit kilometerPerHour, yardPerMinute
StorageUnit byte, kilobit, terabyte, dvd
TemperatureUnit celsius, kelvin, fahrenheit
TimeUnit day, millenium, plankTime
VolumeUnit gallon, barrel, milliliter
WeightUnit pound, ton, kilogram, ounce


Each unit has a name and a symbol associated with it. You can set or get the locale for name and symbol using:

Converter.locale = 'en';

Currently supported languages are:

Language Code
English en_GB
German de_DE


Each unit has a unique id that you can use for persistence to local storage. You can then call parse on the unit enum to retrieve again the correct converter.

final id = TemperatureUnit.celsius.id;

final celsius = TemperatureUnit.parse('celsius');


A library to easily convert between different units