operator + method

  1. @override
UniqueList<E> operator +(
  1. List<E> other

Returns the concatenation of this list and other.

Returns a new list containing the elements of this list followed by the elements of other.

The returned list will have the same strict and nullable values as this list.

If any of other's values already exist in this list, a DuplicateValueError will be thrown if the list is strict, otherwise those values will be removed from other before concatenation.


UniqueList<E> operator +(List<E> other) {
  if (strict) {
    for (var value in other) {
      if (_contains(value)) {
        throw DuplicateValueError(value);
  } else {
    other.removeWhere((value) => _contains(value));
  return UniqueList<E>._(elements + other,
      nullable: nullable, strict: strict, growable: growable);