A Flutter plugin that allows you using unipass with webview page.
- Dart sdk: '>=2.18.1 <3.0.0'
- Flutter: flutter: ">=2.5.0"
Add unipass_web_sdk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
/// interface declare
enum Environment { testnet, mainnet }
enum ChainType { polygon, bsc, rangers }
enum Protocol { https, http }
enum UnipassTheme { light, dark }
class AppSetting {
String? appName;
String? appIcon;
UnipassTheme theme;
ChainType chainType;
AppSetting({this.appName, this.appIcon, required this.theme, required this.chainType});
class UniPassOption {
String? nodeRPC;
ChainType? chainType;
Environment? env;
String? domain;
String? protocol;
AppSetting? appSetting;
UniPassOption({this.nodeRPC, this.chainType, this.env, this.domain, this.protocol, this.appSetting});
full creation example
UniPassWeb uniPassWeb = UniPassWeb(
dev: Environment.testnet,
nodeRPC: "https://node.wallet.unipass.id/polygon-mumbai",
domain: "testnet.wallet.unipass.id",
protocol: "https",
appSetting: AppSetting(
appName: "demo dapp",
appIcon: "",
theme: UnipassTheme.dark,
chainType: ChainType.polygon,
For more information please visit demo project.