Union6Methods<A, B, C, D, E, F> extension

The methods on Union3.



join<T>(T first(A value), T second(B value), T third(C value), T forth(D value), T fifth(E value), T sixth(F value)) → T
Transform all the potential types that value can take into a single unique type.
map<A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2>(A2 first(A value), B2 second(B value), C2 third(C value), D2 forth(D value), E2 fifth(E value), F2 sixth(F value)) Union6<A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2>
Transforms a union into another union of potentially different types.
switchCase(void first(A value)?, void second(B value)?, void third(C value)?, void forth(D value)?, void fifth(E value)?, void sixth(F value)?) → void
Allow executing custom logic based on the value type in a type safe way.