parseDartSDKVersion function

String parseDartSDKVersion(
  1. String versionString

Helper method that can be used to resolve the Dart SDK version for clients of package:unified_analytics.

Input versionString for this method should be the returned string from io.Platform.version.

For tools that don't already have a method for resolving the Dart SDK version in semver notation, this helper can be used. This uses the io.Platform.version to parse the semver.

Example for stable version: 3.3.0 (stable) (Tue Feb 13 10:25:19 2024 +0000) on "macos_arm64" into 3.3.0.

Example for non-stable version: 2.1.0-dev.8.0.flutter-312ae32 into 2.1.0 (build 2.1.0-dev.8.0 312ae32).


String parseDartSDKVersion(String versionString) {
  versionString = versionString.trim();
  final justVersion = versionString.split(' ')[0];

  // For non-stable versions, this regex will include build information
  return justVersion.replaceFirstMapped(RegExp(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(.+)'),
      (Match match) {
    final noFlutter = match[2]!.replaceAll('.flutter-', ' ');
    return '${match[1]} (build ${match[1]}$noFlutter)'.trim();