getValueByString method

int? getValueByString(
  1. String label

Pass in a string label for one of the instance variables and return the integer value of that label.

If label passed for DateTime instance variable, integer in the form of DateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch will be returned.

Returns null if the label passed does not match anything.


int? getValueByString(String label) {
  // When querying counts, the label will include the
  // key for the appropriate map
  // Example: logFileStats.toolCount.flutter-tool is asking
  //   for the number of events sent via flutter cli
  final parts = label.split('.');
  String? key;
  if (parts.length >= 3) {
    // Assign the first two parts of the string as the label
    // ie. logFileStats.toolCount.flutter-tool -> logFileStats.toolCount
    label = parts.sublist(0, 2).join('.');
    key = parts.sublist(2, parts.length).join('.');

  switch (label) {
    case 'logFileStats.startDateTime':
      return startDateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
    case 'logFileStats.minsFromStartDateTime':
      return minsFromStartDateTime;
    case 'logFileStats.endDateTime':
      return endDateTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
    case 'logFileStats.minsFromEndDateTime':
      return minsFromEndDateTime;
    case 'logFileStats.sessionCount':
      return sessionCount;
    case 'logFileStats.recordCount':
      return recordCount;
    case 'logFileStats.flutterChannelCount':
      if (key != null && flutterChannelCount.containsKey(key)) {
        return flutterChannelCount[key];
    case 'logFileStats.toolCount':
      if (key != null && toolCount.containsKey(key)) {
        return toolCount[key];
    case 'logFileStats.eventCount':
      if (key != null && eventCount.containsKey(key)) {
        return eventCount[key];

  return null;