endsWith function

bool endsWith(
  1. String string,
  2. String target, [
  3. int? position

Checks if the given string ends with the specified target string.

If the position parameter is provided, the function checks if the substring from the start of the string up to position ends with target. If position is not provided, it defaults to the length of string.

The function returns true if the substring (or the full string if no position is provided) ends with target, otherwise it returns false.

If position is greater than the length of string, it will be automatically set to the length of the string.


  • string (String): The string to inspect. Defaults to an empty string if not provided.
  • target (String): The string to search for.
  • position (int, optional): The position up to which to search. Defaults to the length of string.


  • (bool): Returns true if the string ends with the target, else false.


bool result1 = endsWith('abc', 'c'); // => true
bool result2 = endsWith('abc', 'b'); // => false
bool result3 = endsWith('abc', 'b', 2); // => true


bool endsWith(String string, String target, [int? position]) {
  // Set position to string length if not provided
  position ??= string.length;

  // Ensure the position is not greater than the string length
  if (position > string.length) {
    position = string.length;

  // Get the substring from the start to the specified position
  String substring = string.substring(0, position);

  // Check if the substring ends with the target
  return substring.endsWith(target);