values function

List values(
  1. dynamic object

Returns a list containing all the values of the provided object's own properties.

Given a map object, this function retrieves all the values associated with its keys and returns them as a list. The order of values in the returned list corresponds to the order of keys in the object.


var object = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3};
var values = values_(object);
print(values); // Output: [1, 2, 3]

If object is empty, an empty list is returned.

Note: This function only retrieves values from the provided object's own properties, not from its prototype chain.

Throws an ArgumentError if object is null.


List<dynamic> values(dynamic object) {
  if (object == null) {
    return [];

  if (object is! Map<dynamic, dynamic>) {
    throw ArgumentError('Object must be a map.');

  if (object.keys.any((key) => key is! String)) {
    throw ArgumentError('Map keys must be strings.');

  return object.values.toList();