isInteger function

bool isInteger(
  1. dynamic value

Checks if value is an integer.

This method checks whether the provided value is an integer. It first checks if the value is of type int. If the value is not of type int, it then checks if it's of type double, and if so, verifies if it's equal to its truncated version (i.e., no decimal part). If neither condition holds, it returns false.

Note: This method is based on JavaScript's Number.isInteger function.

Arguments: value (*): The value to check.

Returns: bool: Returns true if value is an integer, else false.


print(isInteger(3)); // true
print(isInteger(double.minPositive)); // false
print(isInteger(double.infinity)); // false
print(isInteger('3')); // false


bool isInteger(dynamic value) {
  if (value is int) {
    return true;
  if (value is double) {
    if (value.isInfinite || value.isNaN || value.abs() > (1 << 53)) {
      return false;
    return value.truncateToDouble() == value;
  return false;