difference<T> function

List<T> difference<T>(
  1. List<T> array, [
  2. List<T>? values

Returns a new list containing the elements from the original list array that are not present in the optional values list.

The array parameter is the original list of type List<T> from which elements will be selected. The values parameter is an optional list of type List<T> representing elements to exclude from the result. If not provided or empty, returns a copy of the original list.

Returns a new list of type List<T> containing elements from the original list array that are not present in the values list.


var originalList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var valuesToExclude = [3, 5];
var differenceList = difference<int>(originalList, valuesToExclude);
print(differenceList); // Output: [1, 2, 4]


List<T> difference<T>(List<T> array, [List<T>? values]) {
  if (values == null || values.isEmpty) {
    return List.from(array);

  final Set<T> exclusionSet = values.toSet();
  return array.where((element) => !exclusionSet.contains(element)).toList();